Now THAT’s what I’ve been saying all along

There is nothing more gratifying than seeing an article by a national columnist that validates my personal feelings. I’m not totally nuts, there is at least one other person out there that is asking the same question that I have been asking since I registered to vote at age 18. Why do I need a political party to tell me what to do, for that matter why does anyone?

A Pox on BOTH Parties!

Now, with Bush weakened by the war and other problems, Republicans on Capitol Hill are beginning to scramble for safety by voting their districts, not heeding partisan commands.

It is not an edifying spectacle. And the result may well be what it was for the Democrats in 1994, when the cry, “Every member for himself!” turned into a rout.

Leaving behind one big question: When both parties have lost public confidence, where do voters turn?

Additionally, let’s hope that this article is really the start of some sense in US government. In general, I worry about anyone that is at either end of any belief spectrum. Those are the nut cases, weirdoes, and freaks and should not have any considerable control over the majority, the majority that is suppossed to rule the roost in our country.

Political center makes a comeback

In Congress and in constituencies across the country, last week demonstrated a powerful and welcome trend: After a long eclipse, the people in the political center, the moderates, have regained their voice and are reasserting themselves.

1 thought on “Now THAT’s what I’ve been saying all along

  1. Amen. I’m an independent moving to Lititz, and was scared to death by the number of “Bush 2004” signs last year. So it was quite a relief to see many Republicans replaced by Democrats last month in Lancaster. I don’t care for either side, but it was good to know that the people here aren’t tied to the dogma of a particular party. Now if people would just realize that politics is like NASCAR–there are more than two people in the race…

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